Category Archives: Uncategorized

The deal of a lifetime


Tomorrow we will be packing up our family up in our  Mini van and heading to Birmingham Al. For my first ever book signing ! Did I just write that ?

The deal of a lifetime isn’t in any contract or deal you can get from a human.or company. The deal was when I gave my life to Christ.

Can I be honest when you look at those books below you are looking at a miracle you are looking at God.

Most people don’t realize that I have only recently begun painting again. At the age of 17 just before graduation. I was told by a very important authority figure in my life “Art is stupid anyone can do that…”

Art was the one thing I had always been good at. It was my gift it came easy to me it was like breathing. When I heard that comment I literally felt something in me physical be crushed. In that moment I gave up my gift  walked away into a life that was not mine. I  graduated  got a desk job crunching numbers the very thing I wasn’t good at no matter how hard I tried. The thing that made me feel like I was suffocating.  I gutted through that job for 16 years.

I had even forgotten that ever was an artist.


I’m not sure if it was God that found me or I found him in the end it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that We found each other.


Standing in the Garage of our newly purchased home surrounded by only  boxes. I heard “You need to push Paint around” I heard it so loudly I turned to see who was in the garage with me. I looked twice because there was no one there. Was I going crazy ?

 I know not  it was the holy spirit he had to speak loudly to me because otherwise I wouldn’t have heard him. I really didn’t know him at that time. I had gotten saved in 2000 ,but had not yet been transformed . I didn’t grow up knowing God or believing in Jesus. When I started my journey I was a spiritual quadriplegic. I had to learn to walk in Him not me.

 God meet me where I was at. I began to learn through Church ,scripture community and bible study. It was not always easy it was certainly not always what I wanted to do ,but I did it anyway and it was worth it.Through time and circumstance he changed me, he changed my life.

One of the first things I learned was God was more interested in having a relationship with me than what he could do for me. So everything I did was about knowing him.

Not once did I pray to get a book deal or even just to be a working artist.

What I did pray

Lord,open my eyes, reveal yourself to me, help me with my disbelief, let me see you in my day, heal my heart, make me more like you, help me be the person you want me to be, break my heart for what breaks yours, let me and my families life  glorify you.

let me put all my faith hope love and trust in you…

Over 8 years these have some of my daily prayers…

 He has answered them all in one way or another repeatedly. Leaving me speechless and thankful. These books are one of the answers that you can see.


Read the rest of this entry



 When I first got back from our missions trip to Africa in June I wrote a post about not wanting to


 I guess, I was  a little naive when I wrote that. Because I can’t stop thinking about the families, mostly women and children that I had the privileged of meeting in Africa .  God has infused them in my spirit.  He broke my heart for them and placed them in the wound and it aches.

When I crawl into our big bed and lay my head on my clean soft pillow my thoughts drift to those in the slum no bed ,no pillow. Only a dirty slum floor to sleep on after an another endless day of slum life.

When I brush my teeth with our endless supply of clean tap water. My thoughts drift the little children over there with burns on their arms and hands. From trying to boil their own water.   Just to have a drink.

When I brush my hair each morning my heart aches for the children that ran their small fingers through it,  braided it and chattered happily in my ear with excitement that we had come to visit them .

Each snack and meal I prepare ,each grocery store visit. Breaks my hearts for them. Our brother and sisters in Africa have little to no food to make for themselves or their children. Why we should have so much and they should have so little.

As we go back to school shopping and get ready for our first day of school. I think of the children there that I saw sitting in the streets not in school getting where they belong getting an education, their only hope of maybe one day leaving the slum. Yet with no public school system in Africa if  you can’t pay for an education you don’t get one…

As I pray over my children at night thanking God for all we have, praying for their futures. Praying  that God would use them ,and how blessed we are to have them in our family. I know half way around the world my African friends are praying that their children survive one more day, that they might have a meal ,that their daughters not be raped ,that the their sick child would be healed. For most in  Africa prayer is the only medicine and the only place to go to have a need met. God seemed bigger in Africa the prayers louder. In Africa God truly is the only answer for their problems.

Meet the the people and see Africa as we experienced it  in this video HOPE  by my friend Alyssa

 Would you join me in praying for them ? I believe we can make a difference in their lives ,in some small way we can be an answer to their prayers. At the very least we can go to God and pray for them on their behalf.

 One last goodbye

The children of  Mararui Slum waving goodbye as we drove away.


Don’t let me forget


We got back from our 2 week long missions trip in Kenya, Africa late last night , before our team bordered our last flight home we circled up and prayed one last time together ….my prayer was Lord please don’t let me forget….The people , the smells, the sights the emotions.

The pain ,the hope ,the faith ,the Question why ?

Don’t let me forget…

 The first Mother we met in the slum as her baby peeked around the door standing in an upside down end table.

Don’t let me forget…..

Seeing the children of the slums playing ,washing and using the restroom in the  same stream of filthy water that ran through each of the slums we visited. The same stream used by all the animals for bathing and drinking.

Don’t let me forget …

The tiny hands that grabbed ours as we walked through their schools and slums.

Don’t let me forget…

The children so eager to greet us, give hugs , and run their fingers through our hair and have their picture taken. So many of them their eyes yellowed and milky from malnutrition. My heart broke gazing into those sweet faces knowing some of them were not going to make it.  Many of them the same age as my own children.

Please Lord don’t let me forget…

The Jacardanda women the ones who despite their circumstances have started their own business of making beautiful things to sell  to support their families . Many of them living in the slums ,having survived  abuse by a spouse or neglect by parents. Most have been abandoned by their husbands. These beautiful women have  found Jesus and are trading ashes for beauty.

Don’t let me forget…

The nameless baby I prayed over at the orphanage .The one who had just arrived that very week , the baby that is suffering from aids.

Don’t let me forget…

Sad goodbyes with new friends.

Don’t let me forget….

The orphans at Albert’s school. The ones who went from “Singing Jesus loves me”. To reciting a poem about how Aids had claimed the lives or their parents and left them orphans. Leaving each of us on the team speechless and  in tears or fighting them back.

Don’t let me forget….

The piles of trash and waste …when you have no restroom facilities the thing to do is go in a baggy then throw it on the heap. The piles were everywhere deep and wide , overwhelming and unimaginable in every way . This is a picture of a wall leading into Kibera slum. A man was sleeping on top of this  filth , with a fire of burning trash near him. The other side of that wall is a nice neighborhood on the top of that wall is barbed wire. It makes no sense.

Don’t let me forget…..

My new friend Gladys we visited her home in the Kibera slum. She shares the small  10×20 home fashioned out of wood ,tarps ,mud and tin with her 4 children. She shared her story about nearly being killed by her husband. He left her behind to raise the children on her own. She now sews for Jacaranda . She said to us ” Since finding Jesus I no longer see my HIV, now I only see Jesus.”

Lord Please don’t let me forget. Lord please Lord don’t let me sit idol.

All of this is fresh and new to me ,but my life has been forever changed. If you would like to help any of these people you can through Garry and Brenda Kean they hosted us during the trip they are amazing folks, with a true heart for God and the people of Africa. They have a church “Nairobi Hope Now” that many if the slum people go to they are making a difference.

Romans 10:12-13

 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people in need.”

Meet my neighbor Will & celebrate Wishbone Day


July 6 2010  Will was born…

Will was a  precious son , grandson, our neighbor and little friend.

Will was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta also know as “Brittle Bones”  his little skeleton was about a strong as an eggshell, but his spirit was that of a lion. Sent home at 2 weeks old with hospice he showed everyone that one doctors don’t have all the answers and that he was a fighter. We all grew to love Will over the next 5 months.

We all  laughed over pictures of him getting his first bath , we were blessed to be there to witness his first smile. We all cheered and took pictures of his first outing in a stroller . We  would go over and read to him, he was so very still… it hurt to move ,but his eyes so big and bright  were always wide open taking in everything he could. Never really fussing he was just a joy to be with.  Will was so fragile he couldn’t be held ,but he loved having his little round belly rubbed his forehead kissed and his tiny little hand would gently hold your finger.

 He was an angel on earth.

We loved him.

Will was called home on December 4th 2010

Our hearts will never be the same.

Children with OI are called snowflakes because there are no two that are alike they are so unique and fragile.  It started snowing here in Nashville the day he died and we had a record amount of snowfall this winter. Will’s lion spirit once again reminding us that he is still with us.

Tomorrow  we are going to celebrate Will and other children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta with

Wish Bone day

This celebration includes wearing a Yellow T-shirt and blue jeans just to raise  awareness to this disease. There are many different degrees to this disease Will had type 2.

Will here with Mommy and Daddy Tiffany and Jason .

Tiff , you and Jason are such an  inspiration to all of us on. During the flood you kept us laughing with your wit and humor your spirits never failing. Watching you both  parent your first born Will with such faith ,hope and LOVE was incredible. I am fairly certain of where Will got that lion spirit of his!

So will you wear Yellow with us tomorrow and celebrate and remember our little snowflake Will and all the children out there like him ?

Lord keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings…

Psalm 17:8

Will on his first day home

Professional Pictures By Anya ELizabeth

The unexpected


As many of you know Gerald has been interviewing with Roland over the last few months. Maybe you didn’t know he has been waiting and watching for this opportunity as a recovering musician working for them would be a dream job. So for three years he faithfully checked  their website weekly for this position to come open when it  finally did he applied and here we are.

Last Wednesday he flew out to L.A.  He spent the entire day and into the evening with the staff, president ,and vice president of the company . After praying endlessly all day and waiting anxiously Gerald finally called and said “I could not have done any better.”

We went into all this carefully praying to God daily on our knees Lord whatever your will is in this that is what we want . All our human emotions aside our relationship with you is far more valuable than any job or circumstance you would have us go through.

So the not so final answer from Roland ….Not yet

When Gerald called me yesterday I had been “patiently” waiting all week ! He told me “Well  they are confident that he was the person for this position, but…after much discussion due to the economy and pressure to keep expenses down they have made the decision to not fill the position yet.” They are looking forward into filling it in July maybe.

It’s funny as a couple we  had prepped for a “NO” as well as anyone can in this kind of situation. We had even thought about and discussed what it would be like to get a “YES”, but neither one us even had even thought about a

“NOT YET” !?!?

Not having any idea how to respond to this unexpected answer, we immediately fell back on the only thing that never fails God’s word and his truth.  We are a living testimony to that .

I can honestly say we are fine ,not one tear has been shed, not one “Why God why”…Just praise and thanks for all he has done and all he will do. Lord we trust you. Our Hope, Confidence, Peace , Trust and Faith are in him and not in our current circumstance, not in a job ,not in the actions of other people. They are safely stored in God in his son Jesus Christ. Which after the many trials and tribulations we have gone through we have finally learned is the only safe place to keep them.

Thanks again for your prayers they are considered precious by us ,and if you feel led to continue to praying for this situation we sure would appreciate it. So here we are back to “wait and see” and a few more  “are we there yet’s?”

Can’t wait to see what God has in store !

Last week all of our  bible studies revolved around these scriptures ,at the time I was frustrated with them because I thought they were pointing to a “NO”.  Little did I know they were strengthening us for a “Not Yet”

So is there a circumstance in your life you have no control over ,but need emotional freedom from ? Hoping and praying that the above scriptures can help you as much as they have helped us.

 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation,but take courage; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time,

1 Peter 5:6

But as for me , behold I am in your hands; do with me as is good in your sight.

Jeremiah 26:14

For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord” plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will come to me and and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:11-12

Until then patiently waiting in the back seat asking God every so often

“Are we there YET ?”

Painting in the Dark


Worship painting.

A couple Sunday’s ago I painted during the worship service at the Crosspoint downtown campus, at Rocketown.  All in all I have about 20 minutes to complete a painting from beginning to end as the musicians lead us in worship.

This time I had planned on painting  “Spring”

Before I do a worship painting it has been planned in my head to completion.   All the decisions have been what I am going to paint, the colors chosen the canvas prepped . Everything was ready ,once they began to play I began to paint. Then something unexpected happened this time the lights that are programmed to go with the music kept leaving me in that dark !

The lights went out again and again I couldn’t see !

I had the picture in my head .So I just did what I would have done in the light and  painted on instinct hoping  for the best.

Then the lights would come up just for a moment. Just long enough for me to see.  The painting was nothing like what  I had pictured or intended ! Then as quickly as the lights would come on they would shut right back off . I felt like I was messing the whole thing up all the while 250 people watched . I got frustrated things were not turning out the way I had planned, with an audience for my failure.

Turns out our plans are not always the best…when the music finished I grabbed the painting then took off towards that back.  My friend Brittany she took the pictures above, she is an amazing photographer. Met me behind the scenes what she surprised me .

“I love it it is beautiful!”

Huh what no it isn’t ! I messed it up, it’s not at all what I had intended. It ‘s terrible. I don’t even want to look at it .

How often during our lives are we in the dark never really seeing the entire picture that God is painting, where  God is leading us for his glory.  The ultimate beauty that awaits us in his light . Just going on our instincts, feeling like we are messing up everything not really seeing the beauty of God’s plan because it is not our plan.

Once I had a chance to sit down and get over myself. Looking at the painting with a fresh pair of eyes for what it was ,instead of seeing it as something that didn’t turn out the way  I had wanted . Taking the painting in  from the perspective of  it being what God had wanted ,and that made it all the more beautiful.  Had I not been in the dark it would not have been the same painting.

Everyone loved it even me.

God reminded me that night he often does his best work in the dark.

and maybe I should paint in the dark more often ?

“And if you give yourself to the hungry And satisfy the desire of the afflicted Then your light will rise in the darkness And your gloom will become like midday.”

Isaiah 58:10

Feeling like you are in the dark ?  This scripture reminds us to give ourselves to God completely and spend what he has given us to  help others in need. To  those that area also in the dark ,and he will  turn your darkness into light.. it is a promise.

I love that promise.

Is there an area in your life that feels like you are getting it all wrong, and maybe you need let God in to start painting your picture ? Making it even more beautiful than you ever thought possible  ?







The Red Shirts


Tomorrow is Serving Saturday !

God has blessed me with many opportunities to work with my friend Ryan our missions director at Crosspoint on many of our Serving Saturdays long before they were ever named or we had those now famous  red shirts. I always loved being a team  leader, getting to meet new people and giving back to the community.

On May 2 2011

Our home like so many in the Nashville area was flooded.

On May 3 2011

We returned home to find the biggest mess I have ever seen.

Though I never got emotional during the flooding I documented the flood in pictures here …I just remember thinking as we watched our home go under.”God this is just to BIG you are going to have to fix this one “.

I did not realize at the time just  how big the mess would be how much would have to be done. After walking through our now devastated flood house which was covered in mud and gasoline . Our things all now trash piled on top of each other covered in mud.

In emotional shock I plopped down on our front step…wet covered in gas ,mud and filth.

It’s to much God it’s to much….

Just as I was thinking this  as the flood waters still lingered in my neighbors homes across the street. Ryan drove up I could not believe my eyes how did they know ? We had been cut of from the outside world for over a day. No power, phones , Tv .  Not only did they know they must have  been waiting to get to us.


Behind him cars full of people in Red Shirts

I began crying. Having worn the Red Shirt so many times myself I knew what was coming











God gave me a precious gift that day  allowing me the opportunity to see exactly what  those Red Shirts meant from the other side.

It would be 6 months before I would be able to done my Red Shirt again ,and get back out in the community. When I finally got to put my red shirt back on for the first time to go help other flood victims. I cried grateful for all God had taught me grateful to be back on the other side the giving side.

Tomorrow is another Serving Saturday and I can’t wait to get our family together and go make a difference in the lives of others.

I hope you’ll join us !

We will be meeting at our Bellevue and Nashville

campuses tomorrow morning .

Serving times are 8-12 .

for more info go here

Serving Saturday






There are many different forms of Worship. Last night for the first time I had the privilege of painting  as part of the worship service. At the Crosspoint Downtown campus  ,as the band worshipped I painted. Yes ,I was nervous ! I have painted out in public ,but never in front of an audience.

“GULP” What if I mess up ?

Before I became a Christian 8 years ago I had forgotten that I even was an artist.  Art is part of my salvation story . God not only saved me, but he dusted me off put me back to work doing what he created me to do. For almost 20 years I worked in insurance ,doing what I was told by the world  “survive” . Well that “survival” was killing my soul.

I lived out of that lie for far to long  .

I loved the fact the sermon last night was about Esther she did what God called her to do even though she was unsure, afraid at times and felt ill equipped ,haven’t we all felt that way ?

In the end she stood up and did what needed to be done, relying on God to meet all her needs. She was obedient to his will  instead of her own .

She answered his call in her life .

“For such a time as this “

Are you living out of a lie ? Or are you living out of who God says you are?

What is your Dream job ? What is your passion ? What did God create you for?

What are you waiting for ?

My friend Nicole took pictures of the service.

Thank you Nicole !

Visit my PB&J art blog for more information on purchasing the painting .

100% of the proceeds will go to Africa  Missions.



“I have called YOU by name; you are mine !”

Isaiah 43:1


So what do you think is your calling ?  What is one thing you can do today to start living that dream ?






You are invited ! Living Beyond Yourself


You are Invited

Living Beyond Yourself :Exploring the fruit of the spirit

By:Beth Moore

I love her bible studies if you have never done one you are missing out !

If you have done one you know what I am talking about !

Her studies always bring me Closer to God, give me a chance to see God ,and grow me spiritually unlike any other studies I have ever done.

They are life changing .

So you are invited ! I am co-leading the study at Crosspoint Bellevue Community Church

The study begins 2/3/11

We will meet on Thursdays in the Club 45 room from 10-11:45 am

There will be a 45 minute video then we will break into small groups for discussion after.

If you are interested in joining please contact me

Or Lianna

Childcare will be provided please just indicate the number of children .

we have the study guide you will need avaiable for purchase on the day of the study for 16.33

Can’t wait !

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, and self control. Against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23






God has called me to go to Africa this summer.

A few months ago my dear friend Rhonda asked me if I would you like to join  a Missions trip to Africa this June  that she would be  leading ?

My  first reaction  NO ! My brain then immediately began ticking off the reasons I should not go.

Money ! Hello last year was the worst financial year of our family’s life ,the flood the economy….. you can’t afford to go to Africa.

Children ! What about the kids, it is a long trip who is going to take care of them. They would miss me and I them.

Comfort ! Silly as it sounds the selfish me piped up. I won’t able to sleep in my own bed, with my  favorite pillows, I would become homesick, I would miss my family and I would be put in positions that made me uncomfortable physically and spiritually, a place that I had been asked to live in most of  last year as a flood victim…

Rhonda saw all this running through my head she immediately extended me grace. “Just think about it pray about it and let me know if you have any questions. ”

Driving home from church I had already decided, yeah I wasn’t going to go.

Then I got home and sitting in my new living room my recently restored once not to long ago devastated home and God spoke directly to my heart.

As I looked around at our newly repaired home sitting on our new sofa..I heard him whisper  ,why would you let money keep you from going ? He gently reminded me I  will provide, I have provided, you are sitting in and on my provision. You had all the faith in the world that I could  restore your home are you willing  to apply that same faith and belief  that I can get you to Africa…. well there went my first excuse not to go.

The kids ? God who is going to take care of the kids ? It was too much to ask it was a long trip . Well so I thought. My husband Gerald and my Mother In-law immediately stepped up said go, go it will be great we have it covered….there went excuse number 2

I called Rhonda… informed her  I had not made up my mind fully yet ,but what would going to Africa look like….her plan brought tears to my eyes ,because I did not see the opportunity in having me on the trip that she did.

She began talking about the Kibera slum  we would visit . Rhonda had been a part of the clean up at our house ,she said I would be able to connect with the people there on a different level than most. Just like our family had lived in the mud during the weeks after the flood the people of the slum live full-time in the mud ….immediately my heart broke for them living in mud was miserable fortunately our family was only called to do it for a month or so even then we got a hot shower at the end of the day down the street .They were living in it full-time until further notice…tears stung my eyes for them  the thought of never being able to really clean up misery.

She began talking about the hospital we would visit ,she wanted me to do art with the children there in the cancer ward…my heart broke again.

She told me about a group of  women there they are a creative bunch  of  ladies ,who despite their circumstances have made their own cottage industry  sewing making, purses, dolls  and many other beautiful things to have some  income . She wanted me to spend some time painting with them and sharing. Before I was truly saved 8 years ago I was not even painting ! My heart skipped a beat I heard God whisper you need to go share your gift….

Later I got an email from Rhonda…Lisa I want you to share your story of the flood with the Church . What ? She went on to explain sharing our story of devastation ,living in the  mud ,finding hope and seeing God despite our circumstances would provide them a chance to connect with not only us, but God . God reminded me  that he was far more concerned with using me and growing me than making me comfortable…there went excuse number 3

Here is a video of the slum and the couple we will be with that live there as full-time missionaries


So Would you pray for the team…There are a group of 12 of us going from Crosspoint  I know that each of us will serve the trip in our own unique way  using our own gifts and talents that God has given us . I can’t wait to see each person used in Gods plan. 

pray for our families

pray for the people of Kibera

If you feel led to give ,would you…

Please email me if you would like more information on giving

 Thank you for you prayers, love and support !