Monthly Archives: February 2009

And God Made Woman




         8 years ago I found myself at my first bible study something called “And God Made Woman”  A.K.A , AGMW…. Not yet saved somewhat on the fence in between believing and not believing .

     Having grown up with no real mention of God or religion in my life  it was really hard to wrap my brain around this new concept of an all powerful being that loved me and even if he existed what did it all mean,what difference could God make ? Having been  brought up in the world of “If it is to good to be true it probaly is.”, and honestly this God seemed to good to be true. Already having had plenty of trust issues with the men in my life why would I want to invite another one in ?

                       AGMW was however just what was needed this sparkly bubble lady with tons of kids that could talk as much as the day is long had captured my heart ,Diana shared wonderful ,funny ,and sometime painful stories about what it meant to be a woman from her own life . She was a real person that was willing to share her pain and her faults she was like me ,but she had knowledge .How to be a better wife ,mother ,a better person. Week after week we  listened ,absorbed ,and processed ,studied and had some great laughs . Lessons in parenthood what it meant to be a wife , daughter, mother and how all these relationships effected who we were then and how they were affecting our lives and relationships today . The good news you could change it all you could take the junk and trash and turn it into treasure through Plan ,Purpose and Perspective.

               The evening also included a small group after the lovely Diana filled us all up with revelations,new  ideas, and stories to reflect on we would get in our groups and talk. It was no coincidence that God chose to put me with Cerissa who to this day remains one of my dearest and best friends in my small group. She was my first experience of Jesus in skin no judgement just love .  At the time I was a mess ,a hot mess to be exact . I was so lost I didn’t even know I was lost ,and once I realized exactly how lost and how long I had been going down the wrong way  I was terrified and overwhelmed . How on earth was I going to get home ? I had never even been there!  To be honest my baggage was big and the pain nearly unbearable realizing for the first time how wounded and lost I was,  my eyes had been opened . This opening finally allowed  God to start working in my life ,but I didn’t know what or how to do or deal with any of it  . My group did they prayed with me ,no they prayed for me I didn’t know how to pray.  Cerissa bought me a bible I had never owened one .They lifted me up they helped me on my journey they listened they cheered me on . Most importantly they were there with me when I stood up. If you don’t know what I am talking about it is the moment when they ask everyone to bow their head and close your eyes then they ask you to stand up. Stand up  if you want to invite Jesus into your life and accept him as your savior .  I stood up !

                    That day I had found out I was pregnant with my second child Gabe, I wanted the child in me and the one at home Cole to have a better life a better Mom,perhaps even a better wife for my  husband was in there as well  ,and if Jesus is the way then yes I’ll stand up. Of course at the time I did not realize there were people cheering behind closed mouths the angels in heaven cheered, sung  and gave each other heavenly high fives.  Happily I was  baptized soon after baby bump and all ,it was glorious I often look at Gabe with wonder he was with me when my heart was opened and my slate wiped clean  his presence reminds me of that ,what a blessing .

If you are hurting  or just wishing for something more out of life weather you believe or not you have there is a place for you at  AGMW. It meets every Monday at 6:30 in Kidsworld  Crosspoint Community Church  so what are you waiting for ?

Calling all kids art wanted !


Hello everyone ! I am so excited about the serving opportunity’s Crosspoint has spear headed for 2-28-09.  I’ll be heading up the redecorating of the Matthew Walker Clinic which is a pediatric office located downtown . While planning I thought why not ask the kids of Crosspoint to do the artwork. Not only will the artwork be cool it will give the kids a chance to serve as well.  We plan on framing the art work  and it will  be hung in the rooms,lobby and down the hall. So I have some themes that will be doing in each room along with the lobby I’ll list them at the bottom have your child pick a theme to inspire their art and we also ask that the artwork be 8×10 size. I’ll be buying the matted frames in bulk.  Other than those two suggestions there are no limits the more color the better, the more creative the better ! Collages ,paint,crayons , construction paper mosaics anything goes. I cannot wait to see what the kids come up with ! Be sure and have them  sign their work ! also leave a comment or email me at if you’ll be participating and how many pieces of art you think you’ll be submitting so I’ll be sure and have enough frames on hand for the big day . Here are the themes.

Lobby will be Hot air ballons and sky

The treatments rooms will be decorated with


Under the sea

Garden flowers butterflies and bugs

Jungle animals

ABC  (this border has all the letters with a picture next to each like M with a mouse next to it) so anything goes for this one.


All the artwork can be turned into Connecting points in the lobby at Crosspointnext Sunday 2-22-09 or anytime up until the project date of 2-28-09. Thank you so much for your help ! Hopefully with everyone working together we can transform the clinic into a place the kids will love to go to !

“This service that you perform is not only suplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”

2Corinthians 9:11-13